Transistor Radios Around the World

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1960 Loewe Opta 5900 "Dandy"

Shirt pocket radio, thermoplastic cabinet
4 1/2 x 2 7/8 x 1 5/16 inches / 114 x 73 x 33 mm
MW radio, six transistors, superheterodyne circuit
One standard 9-volt battery
Manufactured by Loewe-(Opta), West Germany

The example I have is absolutely "new" in appearance — the ivory-and-black cabinet is utterly glossy and completely free of scratches — and maybe that's why I love this radio so much, but I doubt that's the only reason: it's a beautifully designed pocket radio made by Loewe Opta, a highly design-conscious manufacturer. For me, there's just something about the proportions of this radio that make it as appealing as many flashier pocket radios of its time, especially when you're holding it in your hand.

Loewe Opta 5900 Dandy

Loewe Opta "Dandy"

Loewe Opta 5900 Dandy

Loewe Opta "Dandy"

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All content � 2014 by Robert Davidson, All Rights Reserved