Retzen "la Cicogna"
Horizontal shirt pocket, thermoplastic cabinet
4 1/4 x 2 11/16 x 1 1/8 inches / 108 x 68 x 29 mm
MW, six transistors, superheterodyne circuit
Two non-standard 1.5-volt cells?
Manufactured by Retzen R.E. s.r.l., Milano
You may have guessed by looking at the dial mascot that "Cicogna" is Italian for "stork", and you will no doubt have noticed the very strong similarity between this radio's cabinet and that of the Japanese NEC NT-620 — and the physical dimensions of both radios' cabinets are identical. So maybe this small Italian radio manufacturer bought or leased the cabinet mold from NEC and put its own radio circuit inside — as you can see from the photos below, the two radios' chassis and circuits share nothing in common.
Recently I traded this Cicogna to Lello Salvatore for one of his Italian WATT cit radios, and he's posted a nice video about the Cicogna on YouTube: -- it's in Italian and English, and I have to say, the Italian language makes this set sound like the most beautiful radio in the world!