Transistor Radios Around the World

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c.1961 Schneider BIP

Vert/horiz. shirt pocket radio, thermoplastic cabinet
6 x 3 x 1 1/8 inches / 154 x 76 x 29 mm
2-band MW/LW, six transistors (Thomson, 2x 2N321, 2N508; OC44, 2x OC45), superheterodyne circuit
One 9-volt battery
Manufactured by Schneider; Paris

A tall and thin (29 mm / 1 1/8 inches) pocket radio, one of the more stylish pocket radios to have been produced in France. Several of the photos below show how this radio's easel stand is positioned to have this set rest horizontally on a surface rather than vertically — the tuning dial reads either way. When held vertically, the MW/LW band switch is on the top of the cabinet and the on/off-volume control is on the bottom!

Like many European MW/LW radios, this set's MW band is calibrated in kHz and the LW band displays a handful of LW broadcasters by name. Radios made in France designated their bands as "PO" (Petites ondes) and "GO" (Grandes ondes), "PO" being MW, and "GO" LW.

Schneider BIP

Schneider BIP

Schneider BIP

Schneider BIP

Schneider BIP

red BIP, blue BIP

Schneider BIP

red BIP, blue BIP

Schneider BIP

chassis — click on the photo for a larger image

Schneider BIP

circuit board (shown upside-down)

Schneider BIP

shown here in its intended horizontal tabletop position

Schneider BIP

back face of cabinet

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All content � 2014 by Robert Davidson, All Rights Reserved