The M31 gallery of...So leave it to some anonymous designer at Toshiba to model a radio dial after something so static and pedestrian as a bathroom scale and have it come off looking so supremely stylish!... And better, it wasn't just the dial evoking that look, it was the entire radio cabinet! While other Toshiba sets have garnered nicknames among collectors as a sort of visual shorthand when talking about a particular model ("Cat's Eye" is a lot easier to place than is "7TP-303," for instance), the "Bathroom Scale" nickname is literally descriptive. For a while, "Shaver" was being used to denote the 6TP-31s, but as soon as some bright collector coined the scale name, the scales fell from our eyes and we could see what had been there all along, right in front of our faces... Nearly all collectors see the 6TP-31 and the -31A not only as two of Toshiba's truly "classic" transistors, but also as belonging among the best and most unique transistor radio cabinet designs overall. |
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